
Cybersecurity: Everything You Need to Know

Data Privacy & Security

Cybersecurity: Everything You Need to Know

With the increased popularity of computers and online transactions, properly securing the data has become a mandate to save our privacy.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to a collection of systems, procedures, and activities designed to deter intrusion, harm, or unwanted access to networks, computers, programs, and records. Cybersecurity can also be referred to as security for information technology.

The purpose of cybersecurity is to provide computers, servers, networks, mobile devices, and the data collected on these devices with a strong security posture to protect them from malicious attackers. Cyber-attacks can be engineered to view, erase, or extort the confidential data of an entity or user which makes cybersecurity even more important.

With the emergence of technology that opens up new avenues for cyber-attacks, cybersecurity is a constantly evolving area. However, while the big security breaches are those that are frequently promoted, small businesses still have to deal with the problem of a security breach and are often the victims of viruses and phishing.

Incorporating cybersecurity methods, risk assessment techniques, and continually upgrading programs as technologies adapt and develop is the key to protect organizations, employees, and individuals from any form of cyberattacks.

Types of Cybersecurity

It is necessary to know the different types of cybersecurity in order to be better secure. This includes essential protection for networks, network security, security for software, information security, cloud security, avoidance of data loss, and education for end-users.

  1. Critical Infrastructure Security: It consists of cyber-physical systems, such as water purification systems and power grids.
  2. Network Security: Helps in securing infrastructure and protects internal networks from intruders.
  3. Application Security: Uses software and hardware to defend against external threats that may present themselves in an application’s development stage.
  4. Information Security: Often referred to as InfoSec, it prevents physical and digital data from unauthorized access, use, manipulation, leakage, destruction, or any other form of malintent.
  5. Cloud Security: It is a software-based platform that safeguards and records the cloud data to help minimize the dangers associated with on-site attacks.
  6. Data Loss Prevention: It develops policies and protocols for the handling and prevention of data loss as well as develops recovery policies in case of a cybersecurity breach. This involves specifying network permission and rules to access data storage.
  7. End-User Education: End-user education requires educating users to follow best practices, such as not clicking on unexplained links or uploading suspicious email attachments that could cause ransomware and other types of malicious software to be used.

A comparative study of Cybersecurity, Computer Security, and IT Security

Cybersecurity, as described above, is the practice of protecting electronic infrastructure, networks, servers, mobile devices, applications, and records against any form of malicious digital attacks. Cybercriminals may carry out a series of attacks against particular victims or business organizations that may include obtaining, manipulating, or deleting confidential information, extorting payment, or interfering with business processes.

Cybersecurity is achieved through an infrastructure that is built on three main components: protection of IT, cybersecurity, and security of computers.

Security in information technology is the safety of data when it is stored as well as transferred across a network. While cybersecurity only protects digital data, IT security secures all digital and physical data from intruders. Cybersecurity is nothing but a subset of IT security.

A branch of cybersecurity is network defense or device security. Hardware and software are included with this form of protection to secure any data that is transmitted to the network by the computer and other devices. Network protection is used to secure the IT networks and guard against cyber attackers intercepting and manipulating or stealing information.

Types of Cyber-threats

It is indeed a daunting challenge to keep up the pace with emerging technology, security developments, and threat intelligence. However, in order to secure data and other properties from cyberattacks, it is important to learn about cyber threats. Cyber threats can consist of:

  1. Malware: Malware, one of the most popular cyber attacks, is a software developed by a cybercriminal or intruder to disable or destroy the computer of a legitimate person. Malware can be used by cybercriminals to make money or through politically motivated cyberattacks, sometimes distributed by an unsolicited email attachment or legitimate-looking update. Virus, Trojans, Spyware, Ransomware, Adware, Botnets are the different types of Malware.
  2. SQL Injection: SQL injection is a type of cyber-attack used to take possession of data from a database and steal it. In data-driven applications, cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities to inject malicious code into a database with a malicious SQL comment. This provides them access to the classified details that the database holds.
  3. Social Engineering: It is an assault that relies on human contact to trick users into breaching authentication processes in order to access traditionally secure confidential information.
  4. Phishing: It is a type of fraud in which malicious emails are sent from trustworthy sources, but the object of these emails is to steal confidential information such as credit card or login information.
  5. Man-in-the-Middle Attack: A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyber threat where, in order to steal data, a cybercriminal intercepts communication between two people.
  6. Denial-of-Service Attack: A denial-of-service attack is when cyber hackers, by flooding the networks and computers with traffic, block a computer device from serving legitimate requests. This makes the device unusable, prohibiting critical operations from being carried out by an organization.

Related: How to send self-destructing emails using Gmail?

Cybersafety Tips

Follow these tips to protect yourself from Cyberattacks:

  1. Updating the operating system and software: This ensures you are learning from the new security updates.
  2. Using anti-virus software: Viruses are found and eliminated by security solutions such as Kaspersky, Avira, LinuxShield, etc. For the highest quality of security, keep the apps updated.
  3. Using strong passwords: Make sure to set a password that cannot be quickly guessed.
  4. Be cautious: Do not access unknown senders’ email attachments as they may be tainted with malware.
  5. Do not click on links from anonymous senders or unknown websites in emails: This is a common way to distribute malware.
  6. Avoid using unsecured public-place WiFi networks: Unsecured networks make you open to man-in-the-middle attacks.

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Reference(s): Computer security (Wikipedia)

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