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Agile and DevOps: Latest Methodologies for Software Development

Agile and DevOps: Latest Methodologies for Software Development
Software Development

Agile and DevOps: Latest Methodologies for Software Development

Today, in the digital-centric world, Agile and DevOps are the leading methodologies for software development. These technologies are transforming team building, testing, and deploying software.

Where Agile focuses on high-end development with collaboration, the teams are responsible for delivering high-quality software more rapidly and efficiently by breaking down the projects into each segment. 

DevOps engineering eliminates the gap between development and operations. It calls for a culture of continuous integration, ongoing delivery and automation. Besides, the combination of Agile and DevOps builds a powerful synergy that enables organizations to swiftly respond to external business factors.

Furthermore, this article will explore every aspect of the two major methodologies. Have a read below.

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile techniques are termed a project management framework that breaks down projects into multiple effectual phases, widely known as sprints. 

Furthermore, this framework is one of the iterative methodologies for software development. After each sprint, teams reflect and check back to see if anything needs improvement so they can adjust their strategy for the next sprint accordingly.

The Four Pillars of Agile 

There are four important values of Agile project management. They are:

Team Collaboration Over Processes and Tools: This approach goes for team interconnection over working independently.

No Additional Documentary Work: The process believes in making teams do only the development work. Extra work like documentation is less necessary than developing good software.

Customers are Highly Important: Agile techniques promote customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Agile teams allow customers to guide where the software must go.

Responds to Change Quickly: Another essential benefit of Agile project management is that it allows teams to be flexible. Teams can quickly shift strategies and workflows without hampering an entire project.

What is DevOps Methodology?

DevOps is one of the methodologies of software development that combines software development (Dev) with information technology (Ops). It participates together in the entire service lifecycle, starting from design to development process to production support.

The Four Pillars of DevOps

DevOps has four constructive pillars that shape the inspiration of its principles. These pillars are:

Culture – It is the cornerstone of DevOps that heavily emphasizes communication, collaboration, and shared ownership among development, operations, and numerous stakeholders.

Automation – It is essential for this methodology and helps in boosting the software delivery manner. Along with this, it also reduces human errors.

Measurement – Another crucial pillar that provides groups with visibility into typical performance, efficiency, and good metrics.

Sharing – It is fundamental to DevOps and encourages corporations to understand equipment and best practices at some point of organizations.

The Main Goals of DevOps

Here are the major objectives of DevOps engineering. Take a look below:

  • Faster development methodologies
  • Better and quicker quality assurance methodologies
  • Faster deployment methodologies
  • Rapid time to market
  • Iteration and continuous feedback (building stronger communication between stakeholders, end users, customers, product owners, development, quality assurance, and production engineers.)

Breaking the Fundamentals of Agile: How it Operates?

Suppose you are flooded with multiple to-do tasks, but you have less time in hand. The deadline is tight. So, what will you do? Normally, you will create a list of all things, prioritize them, assign time, and eventually complete all the tasks.

Agile works exactly like this. To understand the thing in a better way, let’s take the help of an example. Consider a scenario where a client wants you to develop software for them. 

Below would be the following steps as per Agile methodlogy.

Curate a List: This step meets customers and takes note of all the features they wish to see in their software. This complete list of requirements and functions is known as the User Requirements List, and it is the to-do list for this project.

Sizing and Estimation: After building the list, you will size stories relative to each other using Agile techniques. As a result, you will come up with an estimate of how many days each story might take to complete.

Maintaining Priorities: After your client gets an estimate. You can consult them to understand their preferences. Ask them to prioritize their task list so you can focus on them accordingly.

Executing the Plan: After determining your client’s priorities, you can start delivering value to the client. You get to start with the most prior task and work your way down to the most minor task. 

Plan Updating: As you begin to deliver the product to the client, there will always be some or the other changes. You can try including those changes in the list. If necessary, you will reprioritize the list in the items.

The Processes of DevOps Explained

DevOps engineering brings the Development and Operations teams together under one roof. It removes the traditional silo between these two teams. 

Earlier, these two teams had to operate separately. To keep up with the speedy pace, they had to invest much time and effort in meetings, conferences, and email exchanges.

With DevOps, businesses can shift their focus from departmental goals to organizational goals and introduce a more proactive work environment. Everything here, starting from the tools and processes, is automated. As a result, working together more closely helps identify and resolve issues much faster. 

The Vital Steps of DevOps

Take a look at the essential steps under DevOps. 

  • Managing the task and scheduling.
  • Developing the code and reviewing it. Using source code management tools and merging the code.
  • Use continuous integration tools, version control tools, and build status.
  • Gathering feedback on business risks and determining performance through ongoing testing tools.
  • Artifact repository and application pre-deployment staging.
  • Change management, release approvals, and release automation.
  • Operations include installation, infrastructure changes, configuration and management, capacity planning, and many more.
  • Service performance monitoring, log monitoring, end-user experience, and incident management.

Why Should You Adopt the Agile Model?

Explore the significant benefits of adopting Agile, one of the top methodologies of software development. 

More Focus on End Users

Agile techniques focus more on delivering value to the product’s end users. This means there is a strong interest in their needs and wishes. It simply means putting users at the center of project planning. 

So, how is this done? Engaging with user needs through user story development that clearly detects the key types of users, what they want, and what value they bring to the product. 

Such stories are then mapped or laid out to show the user’s various journeys when using a planned product. Such a mapping process leads to clear priorities for development that identify which aspects and features to work on in each sprint.

On-time and Prompt Product Delivery

Agile teams follow the scrum methodology. Software development is planned out into sprints that are typically 1 to 4 weeks long. Along with this, it is an iterative approach that refers to brief intervals where the right thing is delivered at the right time. Here, each team is responsible for developing software incrementally. 

However, teams deliver prioritized requisites first while maintaining the entire delivery operations. This is done to accelerate the entire product development cycle. When compared to the common waterfall system, this methodology works much better. It directly depends upon functional software rather than any documentation process.

Predicting the Future Expenses

Did you know agile approaches are built in such a way as to lessen the overall expenses? With the help of Story points, that is a framework, developers are able to accurately forecast the budget and serve as the foundation for cost-estimating strategies. In such cases, the necessary features are built, including sprints, MVPs, and unit testing, to avoid time and resource wastage. 

However, there are no additional costs since project managers and middlemen do not need to be on the team. Future sprints will be planned based on previous learnings that will result in further cost reductions.

Get a Better Quality Product

No wonder testing is a big part of Agile. It is one of the methodologies of software development that goes to the next stage after setting one feature. The testing can take place with user representatives, the client, or other stakeholders. 

After this, there is another testing that gets conducted internally to ensure the product’s code quality and functioning. Also, daily checking with reality promises a quality product that addresses its target needs accordingly. 

Benefits of Adopting the DevOps Model

After delving deeper into the meaning of DevOps, let’s check what benefits it can bring your business in the long run.

Smooth Management Process

DevOps engineering smoothens the jobs of managers and team leaders. As a project manager, you don’t have to struggle to get your developers and operations teams on the same table. They all will function in harmony under the DevOps umbrella.

Also, if there are situations where teams disagree on the right approach for a specific product, the manager can easily resolve the conflict since everybody is reading off the same centralized playbook.

More importantly, modern automation tools call for managers to optimize task scheduling, reporting, and feedback processing. As a whole, this lessens the chances of redundancies that can clutter the product delivery pipeline.

Faster Delivery Solutions

In the present tech atmosphere, speed is a vital factor for businesses that are trying to stay competitive. The DevOps will increase your business’s deployment and release speed. This will done by eliminating obstacles like interdepartmental conflicts and dysfunctional feedback loops.

Apart from this, you can also increase productivity and release frequency using automation tools to optimize processes. Moreover, businesses that release updates and fix bugs quicker will always gain a competitive edge over others. 

More Focus on Continuous Integration and Delivery

Continuous integration is a software development practice where changes to the codebase are merged directly into a central repository. This allows developers and QA DevOps engineers to detect bugs faster and reduces the time to fix them.

Furthermore, continuous delivery involves automatically building, testing, and releasing changes to the code. Besides, your company will always be ready for deployment as CD pushes the code automatically. As your business uses this practice, the product will be able to overcome all obstacles that could hamper the delivery speed.

Top-Notch Security Environment

As the rate of cybersecurity is highly increasing, a well-crafted DevOps strategy can heighten your business and its product security. DevSecOps, which stands for Development, Security, and Operations, is an approach to infrastructure design that incorporates security throughout the IT lifecycle. 

It furthermore enhances recovery speed through incremental improvements, automated compliance policies, and granular components. Also, DevSecOps is connected throughout the software pipeline. This helps reduce costs and shorten timelines by detecting flaws in the early stages. 
Hence, you must adopt DevOps, one of the popular methodologies of software development, to safeguard your organization’s intellectual property.


On a final note, these were the various aspects of the two major methodologies of software development, Agile and DevOps. You can choose to implement any of the methodologies or both of them right away. Furthermore, it is advised to connect with an experienced Top IT company in this field to get started with this job the right way.

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