Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency ‘Libra’: What You Need to Know
Are you into Cryptocurrencies? If yes, then, your mailbox and your timeline may have been flooded with news about Facebook’s new cryptocurrency – Libra. Facebook, the name that is synonymous to social media, officially announced that it would launch a digital currency, called Libra, by …
8 App Development Mistakes You Must Avoid
When mobile apps first made the big splash, there was much hullabaloo about how they were going to change the world of internet usage. In many ways, mobile apps have increased Internet usage manifold. This upsurge usage pattern has made many jump in the mobile …
How is AI Helping E-commerce Businesses Improve UX & Get More Sales?
Ecommerce has come a long way over the last two decades. In a business where change has been the only constant the goal for online stores has been to create a real retail store like experience for their users. While they have succeeded partially in …
5 Things You Need to Know About the Future of IoT
If you haven’t lived in a distant uninhabited island somewhere in the Pacific for the last ten years, you’d have definitely heard of the term IoT or Internet of Things. Some say it is the next big thing in the world of Internet and others …
The Rise of Voice Search: What You Need to Know?
Voice search has come a very long way in terms of technology, usability, and utility since the launch of voice search feature by Google in the year 2002. It is quite accurate to say that we are observing the era of digital marketing revolution and …
When is SaaS based Software a Right Choice for your Business?
The world of technology is moving ahead at a hurried pace, and moving alongside are the business processes and models. It is vital for the entrepreneurs and businesses to take the right decisions in order to sustain and succeed in the market. The business owners …
How App Development using React Native or Ionic framework can reduce costs by up to 50%?
Gone are the days when mobile apps were considered to be ‘not so needed’ add-ons for businesses or sometimes even a luxury. Nowadays, apps are a vital part of any business’s online presence. As a result of the increasing demand for apps, the cost of …
Should your Digital Agency provide Free Life-Time Support?
Your service partner has successfully delivered your dream project, and everything is just the way you wanted it to be. So, you are all excited to start off with the website or application for your client. With all hopes and eagerness, you show the green …