A unique Web Application for people wanting to get married: How and What we did?
A unique Web Application for people wanting to get married: How and What we did?

Our client wanted a unique kind of web application which lets a user instantly create a beautifully designed, mobile-friendly website to share their wedding plans.
The users get access to an entire suite of personalized tools. They can pick and choose the elements to build their own website where they can share their wedding plans, photos, videos, events, invite guests, etc.
The client wanted a SaaS-based product through which people planning to get married can create a custom website with their custom name.
The users should have the liberty to select a personalized web address, pick themes and templates of their choice.
The software was to be designed and developed in a way that it lets a user create a customized website
The software was to be designed and developed in a way that it lets a user create a customized website with a custom domain and features. The users must have an admin access to manage all the contents on their corresponding website.
A form had to be created to let users check the availability of the custom domain they are looking for their website.
An option to preview the website theme had to be made to let users find the best-suited wedding theme for their site.
For accepting payments, a payment portal had to be implemented.
A super-admin account had to be created which would be able to have control over all the user accounts including access to block/delete any user account (if needed). This access is to be used by client.
Implementation of Roles
On the basis of what the client wanted, the dedicated development and design team began developing a SaaS (Software as a Service) based web application which would let users create their own customized website. We started off with the layout, structure, and application designing using HTML5 and CSS3 with the objective to build a responsive web application design and to deliver an excellent user experience. To start with, we created a form on the home page which allows the users to check the availability of the custom domain name they are wishing to have.
Using Application Programming Interface (API), we integrated this form with the domain service provider’s database. This helps in quickly processing the domain availability check requests from the users and show the results. In addition to the option to sign-up via email, we enabled an option to let new users sign-up using their Facebook account. This made it easier for the users to register on the application. Also, a Facebook Login option was implemented on the navigation pane in order to let users login using their Facebook account. This boosted social sharing of website content. We created multiple website theme templates for the users to review and select the one they find suitable as per their wedding plans. A secured payment portal was created for accepting subscription payments from the users via Debit/Credit cards and PayPal. Post making the payment, the users get access to their own customized website instantly.
We facilitated multiple features on the customized websites via a user admin panel. Some of them are as follows:
- Save their wedding date and related details
- Customize site layouts
- Import guest list and share invites
- Upload pictures
- Upload videos
- Set a countdown for the wedding date
- Locate and display the wedding venue on Google maps
- Notify guests, etc.
The Super Admin Login was enabled with end to end accesses including the following:
- View, Block and Delete users and their websites
- Add or Remove website templates
- Add/Remove or Activate/Deactivate Subscription packages
- View orders
- View incoming leads